Ayatollah Ramezani: It Was the Aim of All Prophets to Seek Justice Within the Society
The secretary general of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly stated: “science makes comfort possible, therefore education is a necessity for all boys and girls. Those who prohibit girls from education have no understanding of the most basic of religious teachings and might not even be religious.”
According to the public affairs department of Ahlul Bayt International University, the commencement ceremony of the academic year 2023-2024 took place on Tuesday September 25th, 2023 with the presence of Ayatollah Ramezani.
Ayatollah Ramezani, the secretary general of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly stated: “on the question of Imamate, the leadership of the Muslim world is discussed and is manifested through ethics, contemplation and expansion of science. It was the aim of all prophets to seek justice within the society. Justice during the rule of Imam Mahdi (AS) manifests through bringing ethics, spirituality, kindness, and humanity to all people in the best way possible. There will not exist a system that would oppress humanity any longer. However, there are preparations that must be made.
Self-improvement is the first step, meaning, spiritual and ethical preparation and helping others to do the same. This concept has not been properly explained. There needs to be an all-encompassing explanation on this regard. Some unscrupulous people say that Imam Mahdi (AS) will kill two thirds of the population of the world which obsoletely not true. The Holy Quran emphasized this point: ‘O Prophet, We sent you only to bring bliss to humanity’. This demonstrates that Islam is looking to bring a just peace for the entirety of humanity.”
Causes of Insulting the Holy Quran
Ayatollah Ramezani pointed out: “throughout history, there have been oppressors who challenged righteous people. There have always been oppressors yet, in the end, earth will be inherited by the pious and the righteous. Throughout history, oppressors have either bothered or martyred prophets, such as the harassments endured by Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), and yet they resisted those oppressors. We defended ourselves during the eight-year war and we call it a holy defense. They were the invaders and the UN confirmed this. Islam never looked to invade. Islam’s aim is to make connections within humanity so that people are enabled to make heaven possible on earth and help other to do the same. In the Holy Quran, God states: ‘O mankind! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may identify yourselves with one another. Indeed, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most Godwary among you. Indeed, Allah is all-knowing, all-aware.’ Mankind has the capacity to make heaven possible through their own efforts and escape hell.
God states that we should be prepared to face oppressors because such a resistance is sacred. The Holy Quran states: ‘Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress. Indeed Allah does not like transgressors.’ Two concepts are reprehensible in Islam; oppressing others and accepting oppression. On the other hand, all of humanity must become dignified. Islam wants reasonable, wise, responsible and spiritual people and respects those who seek education on these matters. The West is abusing the notion of free speech as an excuse to stain the sacredness of the Holy Quran, the Prophet (PBUH) and the Ahlul Bayt (AS). This project has been underway for some time now but it won’t succeed, because one who insults the Holy Quran, they insult the entirety of humanity as the Holy Quran belongs to all humanity, that is why its content has spread throughout the world and interest in its content is growing.
The teachings of the Holy Quran are driven from the instinct and reasoning of the people, therefore, insulting the Holy Quran would be insulting the instinct and reasoning of the people. We must take care to behave according to the Holy Quran. Religion emphases that mankind must achieve comfort and peace. science makes comfort possible, therefore education is a necessity for all boys and girls. Those who prohibit girls from education have no understanding of the most basic of religious teachings and might not even be religious. Religion bestows peace of mind to mankind. Such peace is certainly achieved through connection with Allah and prophetic teachings.”
The Necessity of Holding Sessions on the Holy Quran at the University
He continued: “It is the responsibility of universities to help the expansion of science. Muslims were once the pilar of science through the world therefore, you students must make sure to shine in your own respective field of science. Scientific advancement is no exclusive to Iran. We must make sure that all countries, especially Muslim countries, make scientific advancements. However, scientific advancement must be accompanied with ethics and spirituality, because neither science without ethics not ethics without science are practical. Therefore, the university must pay attention to both science and ethics.
Ahlul Bayt International University is an example of cultural diversity. Without proper management, it is possible that opportunities will go to waste. Therefore, this university could become one of the headquarters of foreign students in the country. Having students from 30 nations provide a good opportunity for cultural activism. Another point is that the dominant atmosphere of the university should be that of internationalism. The professors and staff must think in those terms as well. Also, the scientific ranking of the university must improve. We are not currently doing well in this regard and the quality of education and research must improve. I also want to reemphasize the subjects of ethics and spirituality. In this regard, it is necessary to hold sessions on the Holy Quran and inviting renowned Quran reciters so that there is also improvement on the spiritual wellbeing of students.